The purchase of high-quality, ready-to-install assemblies enhances process reliability and cost-effectiveness in the set-up process. This is precisely why renowned companies in a diverse range of sectors opt for assemblies based on turned parts made by Tränkle Turning Technology.
Our strengths are your benefits
Our strengths: a flexible, high-performance machine park, decades of development experience, and wide-ranging expertise from our special-purpose in-house mechanical engineering unit.
We provide you with comprehensive consultation on materials and manufacturing options as well as trends in technologies and markets. Drawing on our in-depth expertise and going about our work with passion and dedication, we develop a customised solution for you that meets your requirements, supporting you from the initial idea right through to series production of your new product.
What we offer
What we offer – at a glance

Assemblies to customer requirements
In-process testing
From manual set-up to 100 per cent automated set-up
Complete production on request, including ready-to-sell packaging and manual
We’re happy to help

Sales International
Daniel Heizmann
Tel.: +49 7722 862-121

Sales National
Christian Armbruster
Tel.: +49 7722 862-125